Are you happy and joyful all the time?
You often think everyone is against you?
Life and Happiness are a state of mind!
Transform the mind, transform the vision!
Breaking through to success, joy and fulfillment in life.
that you are visiting the Swiss Alps for the first time. You take a drawing you have made out of your pocket. It is an impression of what you believed the view would look like. Now, before you look out over the mountains, you put on your darkest glasses and hold your drawing up in front of you so as to have a better perspective.
It is obvious such a scenario makes no sense at all, and yet, it is an analogy of what we do, albeit unconsciously, all the time. Your beliefs are nothing more than mental images, preconceptions, of how you think things are. The more rigidly you adhere to them, the greater the impression they impose on your worldview.
You are who you believe you are! The secret to how happy we are and how much we succeed in life is really all in the mind.
We can manifest happiness in every aspect of our lives: relationships, work, health, money... we only need to overcome the hurdles we subconsciously create ourselves. They rest in our subconscious mind in the form of beliefs and expectations about ourselves and the world around us.
BREAKTHROUGH challenges you to take a closer look at the structure of your identity. It proposes that all your rigid beliefs are conditioned - learned programming since early childhood. Beliefs result from past experiences and are the mental "drawings" we greet almost every new experience with. We experience life through the filter of these past images. The accumulation of beliefs is a natural mental evolution, and cannot be avoided. Your beliefs give you a framework from which to live and interact with others.
These deep-seated beliefs trigger both reactive living and emotional "buttons", either internal and/or overt. This causes unhappiness and dissatisfaction, plus it can also have a negative effect on relationships and can even seriously effect your health.
The cause of any such reaction is never the situation itself, but always your rigid belief about it.
It is possible to change and improve your life by
- ...identifying and eliminating the inherent negative belief systems which cause poor performance in all aspects of your life.
- ...breaking through the rigid habit patterns and beliefs which inhibit your 1 creativity and ability to respond rather than react.
The primary concepts
* responsive living * reactive living & coping mechanisms * defining our catalysts * belief systems (ideals, opinions, attitudes, expectations), "buttons" & masks * self-esteem, self-sabotage * personal identification with emotions and actions * blame consciousness * victim consciousness
The result is that your mind is liberated to access unlimited horizons. Personal drive, that previously engendered stress, is transformed. The impact of the techniques will affect all areas of your life. True enthusiasm and confidence will boost your motivation, inspiration and strength in any task.
True control of your life is only achieved when you can become the cause and not the victim you all you experience.
Become the person who has the courage to eliminate rigid beliefs and be open to life!
The BREAKTHROUGH Programme was founded by Dr. John & Esther Veltheim of the PaRama school of Philosophy and Life Sciences / USA and has been taught successfully worldwide in many countries, including the USA, UK, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malta. MINDSCAPE and BREAKTHROUGH workshops are led by qualified instructors who have been handpicked not only for their expertise, but also for the strong changes they have themselves experienced through the techniques learned and practiced in the course.
The Benefits
- more balanced, fuller & less stressful life
- deeper understanding of yourSelf, which will positively affect all areas of your life
- enhanced creativity, personal ability & openness to new ideas plus improved self-esteem, well-being & health
- new horizons for your personal development
- more harmonious relationships in your work, team & private life - at different levels
- more responsive attitudes to unexpected situations
- living in the "now" and "going with the flow"
- improved ability to act in a focused, spontaneous & highly effective way.
The BREAKTHROUGH Workshop is extremely useful for individuals who want to eliminate the shackles of rigid beliefs that limit their own personal development and also for companies, corporations and teams who want to reach out for 1 joy, success and satisfaction in life, to your benefit and to those around you & to improve team performance, communication and interaction as well as personal health factors - in short, their human resources!
The Seven Step Process
BREAKTHROUGH uses the Seven Step Process - a unique technique designed to identify and eliminate the negative belief systems that cause inflexible, defensive/reactive living and limit every individual's performance.
When you have versatile preferences you "go with the flow" of life. You are open to alternative viewpoints and, consequently, a wider scope of opportunities. Life loses its limitations and becomes far from boring.
BREAKTHROUGH emphasizes that all belief systems are limiting and provokes change at deep levels. It is a dynamic workshop that deals with personal development in a powerful way. Its name precisely describes the goal of the Seven Steps - to break through the boundaries and limitations set up by rigid thinking patterns.
BREAKTHROUGH is usually spread out over 1.5 days. The workshop can be done easily by anyone and no previous training is required. This course teaches powerful techniques that maximise your capabilities and open new horizons for life, besides giving you a brand new awareness. The techniques can be immediately applied to life - reaping very real benefits.
Every participant receives a comprehensive manual, exclusively written for BREAKTHROUGH Courses (only available here). Besides supporting the workshop material, the publication also details additional information on the subject.
The MINDSCAPE Programme for Peak Performance is a series of highly specialised courses, aimed at the individual interested to take on the self-responsibility for his/her own personal development. BREAKTHROUGH focuses on the rigid mental habits that dis-empower the individual. Rigid beliefs form a mental barrier that blocks the arising of innovative ideas. The optimal use of the mind´s faculties, are covered in the companion workshop MINDSCAPE . Although both courses are different and can be done on their own, they very much complement each other and together they constitute a highly effective personal and professional management tool for peak performance.
BreakThrough 1
The premise of BreakThrough 1 is that, as individuals, we are all responsible for our own experience of life. In order to embrace this responsibility we need to focus on the "inside job", which is thwarted by the belief that others are the cause, and to blame, for our problems.
The 7 Steps process of BreakThrough provides a medium for getting in touch with the deep-seated, limiting beliefs we unconsciously adopt in childhood. These beliefs are the ones that are catalyzed each time we over-react to situations in life. What we learn from this is that others catalyze, rather than cause, the pain inherent in these beliefs. In this way others offer us the opportunity of getting in touch with, and gaining perspective on, the mental rigidities that control us and keep us in victim- and blame-consciousness.
In short, BreakThrough 1 is a system for transforming reactionary living into conscious living.
BreakThrough 2
In BreakThrough 2 you will experience the magic and power of story telling, list making and a very different Steps process. In this next stage of our BreakThrough journey, together, we define the difference between unhealthy defenses and healthy boundaries; the dynamic of projections and the subtle and not so subtle ways we avoid self-honesty.
In BreakThrough 2 our focus is towards the "outside job". We learn how our misunderstanding of the inner masculine and feminine principles distorts and disrupts our external relationships. We also look at the very important role the feelings and emotions play in our life and why most of us live our lives withholding our most human form of self-expression.
A quantum leap is possible each time we recognize the ulterior (hidden) motives behind our behavior. The BreakThrough 2 Steps process provides us with vivid imagery which brings even deeper insight into the ways we support and perpetuate rigid conditioning. And, of course, the more clearly we see how we support the lie the harder it is to continue doing so unconsciously.
For more information, please click here, where you will find links to BreakThrough related articles, including an article entitled, "Why take BreakThrough 2"
Prerequisites: BreakThrough 1, current IBA Membership and you will need to have read at least one of Esther´s books; Beyond Concepts and/or Who am I?